body painting

od 2 500 Kč

Body painting is one of series of arts which uses to its expression mostly women’s bodies and may be supplemented with other features – filters, plastic shapes or natural complements. Body painting is very popular, especially as an animatig feature at parties, promotion, car--, fashion – or other shows, festivals and other events. Painting is done with a brush or airbrush technique and natural colour solvable in water are used. Body painting is as such a very old thing with roots among New Guinea Aboriginals. From there it has spraed all over the world. It experienced big boom in the 1960s in the era of the Hippies, but it was not accepted by the conservative American society. Another rise it was given in the 1990’s. Body painting is nowadays a very popular show, by which the guests at a party or disco or any other event can watch a painter who decorates body of a woman. Optionally may the participants themselves contest for a best creation on a woman’s body. Body painting can applied on a man’s body as well, which is really suitable for ladies‘ parties, where the ladies can perform their skills while painting on an only slightly clad male.

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